Your sanctuary for sacred teas and ritual tools to empower your wellness journey…

  • Wellness_Graphic

    The Power of Rituals

    Immerse yourself in the magic of ritual to support the return to your sacred rhythm

  • Self-Love and Self-Care During Perimenopause

    Self-Love and Self-Care During Perimenopause

    Harness the power of self- love and care, as you navigate the bearings of womanhood. Lean into ancestral practices to support your transition into this new phase.

  • Nourishment with Medicinal Teas and Ritual Tools

    Unlock the healing power of medicinal herbs amongst our premium assortment of organic wellness teas, sanctuary tools, and mindfulness guides.

Reconnecting you to your Sacred Rhythm through the power of Ancestral Wisdom and the medicine of Mother Nature.

Supporting Women

in their Wellness Journey

Modestine® is your holistic wellness ally…

Helping you to feel better through the challenging issues brought on by perimenopause and midlife.

We know what it feels like to have your concerns be dismissed by doctors.

Reconnect to the healing power of plants to feel better and take control of your journey.

As your holistic wellness ally, Modestine® dives deeply into Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet to access healing wisdom within the spirit of medicinal herbs and plants. We co-create to the highest level, with the natural world to align you with the healing energies of the elders and medicine women who have gone before us.

You should not have to experience the changes of midlife, alone…
Modestine® guides and equips women, like you, through perimenopause and midlife challenges so that you never feel alone on your journey.

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    Glow with the flow

    Embrace the magic of pro-aging, skin tonic with ingredients intentionally crafted together to support the glow of mature skin from the inside out.

  • Reign through Womanhood

    Discover the blend of sacred herbs and flowers, energetically aligned to promote feminine health care and provide support to the female reproductive system.

  • Wisdom is Your Superpower

    Lean into the power of sage as your ally in the treatment of menopause and post-menopausal symptoms, particularly, hot flashes and night sweats.

The Journal

A collection of wellness reflections, inspirations, and guides.

Cozy up + explore…

Modestine® in the Press

Celebrating Womanhood, Wellness and Teatime Rituals .

Your existence in the Modestine® story is connected to your ancestral foundation; traditional healing practices handed down from generation to generation.

Tap in… We’re taking you all the way back.

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