Modestine® Tea has added their first green tea blends to the tea shop! Take Up Space and Ritual + Rise are sure to give you the energy and room to start your day.
Like white tea, green tea is made from leaves that are only minimally processed. For green tea, the tea leaves are harvested from the Camellia sinensis plant and are then quickly heated — by pan frying or steaming — and dried to prevent too much oxidation from occurring that would turn the green leaves brown and alter their fresh-picked flavor.
Green Tea Benefits
Green tea is filled with health benefits that will have your body thanking you! Green tea contains antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect against heart disease. Green tea promotes oral health, reducing plaque and bacteria. This tea can also improve your metabolism, it is one of the healthiest types of teas, after white teas and tisanes.
Shop our green tea blends here.