Calming Anxiety by Centering Wellness

Q & A with Laura, founder of Modestine® Tea

Photography by: Sheikha S.

Centering calm at the end of an epic year is just what the doctor ordered! Grab your favorite blend of Modestine® Tea and notepad. Laura, founder of Modestine® Tea, is sharing tips for centering calm with our blog writer, E, and telling us more about the benefits of the popular Modestine® Tea ritual box - Calm Anxiety.

We are all dealing with multiple layers of stress from the pandemic to economic challenges and issues of social justice. How can having a ritual that centers drinking tea help us to center calm?

The Spirit of tea has a very calming nature. Within its very nature, tea leaves have a consciousness of their own. When consumed, tea brings that consciousness to our awareness. With every sip, this consciousness opens us to levels of peace, of calm and provides deep soothing effects to the mind/body connection.

“Don’t Stress” the tea within the box offers help for stress on the digestive system using lemon grass. How else can lemon grass support folks who are dealing with anxiety?

Sipping on a cup of hot lemongrass tea while inhaling it’s aroma provides peaceful calm and relaxation to mind and body.

Connecting with Nature

Laura, founder of Modestine® Tea photographed by Alana J.

How are you grounding yourself during this collective anxious season?

Whew! I incorporate a multitude of rituals: I seek connection through nature. Allowing the elements to feed my spirit. That kind of medicine brings me in connection with God, Source, the ultimate healer.

I’ve had to reach back home to the Caribbean [for empowering music]. Somehow, connecting to my roots, in this way, helps center my emotions.

These songs were on repeat for the last 9 months, by Jamaican artists J and Deep Jahi: “Without you, Lord,” “Prayer,” “Can’t Stop me Now”, and “Greatness.”

I also have Snatam Kaur on repeat. I find her music to be very soothing and meditative.

I added a ton of plants to my Sanctuary; re-potting helps to ground me, as well. For years, I’ve leaned on plant medicine for [various ways to nurture] healing.

I love that there is an affirmation in every box! Can you share why it was important for you to uplift affirmations. What role do affirmations play in your own wellness journey?

Being present in a negative headspace takes away ones ability for sound reasoning. I think that affirmations serve as the voice of reasoning during that point. The positive reminder in the moment can help to recalibrate movements and shift thoughts and perspectives back to center.

In my daily wellness practice, affirmations serve as a cup of cold water on a baking hot day. I keep them in my notes on my phone and have even added them as alerts.

Before we go, have you heard from customers about how this ritual box is helping them cope with anxiety? Please share!

Yes! I am super grateful for the response from customers regarding the calm/anxiety box. While each response was different, they all echoed the same sentiment that having the calming tea, candle and ritual/affirmation card provided the complete relief that they needed in this time.

These compliments stood out to me the most, “The products are all aligned and compliment the ritual so very well”. “The soothing greenish/blue colors of the ocean gave me a certain kind of calm”.

Explore the Calm Anxiety Ritual Box for Yourself

Start centering calm today.


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