Cold Brew Your Tea

Summer is the best time to learn how to perfect a cold brew for your tea! Cold brewing is a method that allows you to enjoy your tea blend chilled to complement the warm, sunny days.

Here’s what you’ll need to start:

  • A container with a lid

  • Tea*

  • Infuser

  • Water

  • Fridge

*Our white teas and tisanes work best with cold brews! Click here to learn more about the different teas we offer.

Now, let’s jump into the steeping:

  1. Put 2x the amount of tea you would normally put for hot tea in your infuser and place in your container.

  2. Add 1 cup (or your tea’s suggested ounces) room temperature water into your container.

  3. Seal container and place in fridge for 4-8 hours (best if left overnight).

  4. Remove the infuser from your container and pour tea into your favorite mug!

Pro-tip: Add in honey for a sweet addition to your tea!

The spirit of tea is like a perfect companion.

- Grandma Modestine


Summer Rituals


Spotlight Series: Spiritualista Beautique